How to Network and Sell to your Target Group

14 years ago when we founded Isolta, we faced more challenges than expected. We knew everything about software development, but when it came to how to position ourselves, grow sales or how to approach customers and manage our administration, we were in uncharted territory.
We learned step by step, through small and big mistakes. We want to pass this knowledge on to you in our “From founder to founder” series. We provide the important tips for you and share our little secrets.
Sales: How to get customers from your target group
If you want to sell your product, three questions are important:
- Who do you want to sell your product to?
- Where can you find your potential buyer?
- How do you convince your potential buyers?
We discussed the first question in the last article. It is part of positioning your product. In this article, we will focus on the questions of where to find your target group and how to make a customer from a person who belongs to the target group. What are the ways to your customers?
In the first step, check your own network: ask friends, family, and people you’ve met in your life as they relate to your product. The second step is to expand your network. Go to networking events and talk about your product. Get feedback and new impulses. Let your passion go with your product and make sure you do not promise too much! It is always better to exceed expectations, rather than fail to keep promises. Consider whether regular, professional paid network meetings are an option for you. Again and again, platforms or coworking spaces offer input events, where you can get feedback and tips from experienced entrepreneurs without obligation. Recommendation marketing is one of the most effective tools you can use if you want to offer a new product.
Are you a web designer? Get involved with a copywriter or PR consultant. As a developer, it can’t hurt to network with branding and marketing experts. Establish a “strategic alliance”. This way, you get more and more out there, closer to your customers and remain independent. Or co-operate with other self-employed persons from your business sector. Even if these are your direct competitors, you can win from working together more than you can on your own.
Let your customers come to you – but how?
Make yourself as visible as possible! Specify your existing customers on your website as a reference. Go to lectures or hold lectures yourself! Invest in a blog and write about your company values or draw parallels to your product. Positive side effect: You position yourself as an expert in your field.
Use social media and let the public look behind your scenes. Share your blog posts on Facebook and Twitter. Ensure that your social network matches your target group. If your target audience consists of young adults and teenagers, the networks are usually Instagram, Youtube and Snapchat. For older customers, you can market via Xing, LinkedIn or even e-mail. In the meantime, most of the target groups have been represented on Facebook, and this network should be definitely considered.
How to convince your customers – 3 Tips
Every meeting with a customer is different and pursues certain goals. Think about what the goal of each meeting is. In a meeting, there are certain challenges for young entrepreneurs. We have put together a small checklist to help you organize a meaningful meeting:
- Stay authentic You are invited to a very serious customer or investor to represent an unconventional product? It’s okay! You do not have to act somebody else. Remember that you would not have received an invitation if your conversation partner is not interested.
- Be yourself and do not try to impress too much. Otherwise your customer or investor could think that you have something to hide.
- Try to understand your customer. Listen and respond! Listen carefully to what your customers wants and respond to it. Offer them some “sweets”. If you want to buy a car, you want to test drive it before. Your potential customers do not yet know what you are offering to them, so offer them a little tasting! Tip: This does not mean that you have to sell below value: your performance has its price, and special advances are marked as such.